Saturday 17 June 2017

Most Mysterious Abandoned Ships

From the MV Lyubov Orlova to Teignmouth Electron here are Most Mysterious Abandoned Ships . Would you sail to these destinations to check out and adventure through these abandoned places? 3 - Carrol A Deering This 5 mast schooner was built in 1911, yet sailed her final voyage only a few years later in December of 1920. When the cargo vessel filled up with coal and set sail from Brazil towards Virginia, no one knew the crew would never be seen again. In January of 1921, the ship was spotted by a lighthouse keeper, a crew member on the foredeck informed the keeper that the Deering had lost her anchors, but due to a malfunctioning radio, this message was never sent. Three days later the ship was found aground on Diamond Shoals off the coast of North Carolina. The Deering had been completely abandoned, the logs, navigation equipment and two lifeboats were missing. The kitchen appeared frozen in time, midway into preparation for the next day's meal. The US government launched an investigation but came up with nothing. Diamond Shoals is very close to Bermuda, the ship would have had to pass through the Bermuda Triangle to end up in this desolate location, causing many to speculate that some paranormal may have taken place which led to the abandonment of the Carrol A Deering. 2 - Teignmouth Electron This sailboat hit the waters in 1968, when its captain, the British businessman Donald Crowhurst attempted to win the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, the world's first ever solo round-the -world yacht race. Donald lacked experience and began having troubles within days of starting the race. Donald pulled the ship off to rest along the coast of South America and began falsifying his records, making up chart positions for where he would have been had he been in first place in the race. Donald's intention was to re-enter the race after all the other boats had gone all the way around the world and scoop up first place for himself. He kept one logbook detailing his thoughts and the other was meant to be opened once he won the prize to ensure credibility. After 243 days at sea and providing month's worth of fake records sent in to the race organisers, a message informed him that nearly everyone else had dropped out of the race and he was a shoe-in to win, however, by then his mental state had declined dramatically. Later that year, the Teignmouth Electron was found in a state of disarray, abandoned and adrift. The detailed log books outlined Donald's deceit, as well as ramblings which detailed his derailment into insanity, including instructions on attaining transcendence. Donald's body was never recovered. Leaving many to wonder, did the troubled man take his own life, or could something else have happened to him out there, along on those cold waters. 1 - Mary Celeste On December 13th in 1872, this small two-masted sailing vessel entered the New York Harbor, she had a cargo of over 1700 barrels of Alcohol. But, it became apparent quickly that something was very wrong with the ship, the boat moved irrationally, despite the captain being known for his talent as a seaman. After two hours of attempted hails with no reply, the boat was surrounded and boarded. The out of control ship was found to be abandoned, all of the ship's papers were missing except the captain's log, with the last entry being dated as November 25th, stating the ship had passed the Azores. There were no signs of violence or struggle, though it was noted several times that the ship appeared to have been vacated in a substantial hurry. A six-month supply of food and fresh water was found stored in below decks. All of the crew's personal possessions as well as the cargo of the ship appeared untouched, after further investigation, 9 barrels of alcohol were found empty. Over the next 13 years, the Mary Celeste changed hands 17 times, with several tragic deaths, leading many to whisper that this ship was cursed. No one ever heard from the original crew again.


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